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Past Puppies

A gallery of our previous litters.

If you happen to be among those who have taken one of our little sweethearts home, please remember that we always love to hear how they are doing. If you have any photos or stories you would like to share on our site, then please just email them to us and we will be happy to post them here for you!

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Togo and Raya's litter born 08-09-23.
All have gone to their new homes but we love to hear from them still.

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Atticus and Cadence's litter born 06-01-23.
All have gone to their new homes but we love to hear from them still.

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Togo and Odette's litter born 05-01-21.
All gone to their new homes but we love to hear from them still!


Atticus and Cadence's litter born 2-21-22.
All have gone to their new homes but we love to hear from them still.

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Jericho and Nikita's litter born 07-27-21.
All gone to their new homes but we love to hear from them still!

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Cadence and Atticus' litter born 11-05-20.
All gone to their new homes but we love to hear from them still!

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Atticus and Roslyn's litter born 8-17-20.

This was Roslyn's last litter before we retired her and she really made it a special one!
All have gone to their new homes but we love to hear from them still.

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Atticus and Nikita's litter born 06-18-20.
All gone to their new homes but we love to hear from them still!


Jericho and Roslyn's litter born 01-23-20.
All gone to their new homes but we love to hear from them still!

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Jericho and Nikita's litter born 11-07-19.
All gone to their new homes but we love to hear from them still!

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Roslyn's litter born 06-02-19.

Father of this litter was FlicKennel Dachshunds' 

Smurf'N Into Boston Tally Ho.
All have gone to their new homes except for Cadence, who is staying with us as part of our next generation!

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Jericho and Nikita's litter born 3-18-19.
All gone to their new homes but we love to hear from them still!

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Jericho and Roslyn's litter born 10-22-18.
All gone to their new homes but we love to hear from them still!

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Jericho and Roslyn's litter born 8-12-17.
All gone to their new homes but we love to hear from them still!


Jericho and Roslyn's litter born 12-31-16.
All gone to their new homes but we love to hear from them still!

Dapple Miniature Dachshund
About Raphael, Adopted 2-25-17

You have done a wonderful job. I'm really pleased with my little Doxie.

A lady on the street was walking her miniature male doxie so I stopped and Raphael and I said hello.  He just loved her up. She was taken how he was so friendly. I bragged you, your doxies, and website up to her. Also, when a 13 year old boy met Raphael, they cuddled immediately.

It was clearly an indication of the loving and caring environment the dogs are raised in. I have had a dog my whole life. The last twenty years with doxies.  Your dogs are by far the best-natured, loving, playful, happy doxies/dogs I've ever seen.  Lots of doxies are temperamental but the job you and the children have done is outstanding. 

Today I took Raphael with me to see my son.  Of course he licked and cuddled immediately.  My little dog lets me know when he needs to go outside.  Again it's unusual to have an 8 week old puppy that well trained. Driving home my puppy whined letting me know he had to go potty.  We stopped and sure enough he did his business and came back, jumped up and we continued on home.

Your dogs are more than just a four legged companions.  Raphael watches TV and when he hears a woman's voice he runs under the tv stand looking in back for the person he hears.  Still looking for you gals, I think. He goes everywhere I go. So I'm very pleased and glad I met you. I would recommend anyone should buy one of your dogs. Your dogs are more than just a pet, they are truly members of the family, and anyone receiving one is lucky to be chosen and blessed.  


Best wishes and thank you again for raising such wonderful Dachshunds.



About Rizzo, Adopted 10-7-17

Well, one week later and things could not have gone better. Lucy, our neurotic Wheaten Terrier gets along with Rizzo just fine. Rizzo has even managed to invade Lucy’s “safe place” under the bed (where no other dog has ever been allowed) and lays next to her for a nap. She has also found her new best friend with our neighbor’s dog Duffy, who is Lucy’s half-sister. They really enjoy running and playing with each other.


Even Rizzo’s potty training is going well, as long as we take her outside after eating  when she wakes up from naps, she doesn’t make messes.


You weren’t kidding about her being fearless. She has mastered going up and down stairs and sometimes she goes down them so fast that she ends up summersaulting down them.


It is obvious that you and your family loved and cared for Rizzo— thank you!  

Update, 7-4-18

Hello! We wanted to give you an update about Rizzo. As you can see she is doing well and is 11 pounds of busy!!! She loves mulch (in the house 😕), chasing squirrels, and playing with her good buddies Lucy and Duffy. She also is a master escape artist- we think we have all her ways blocked...LOL.  We hope all is well with you.


-Margaret and Mark

About Rocky, Adopted 10-8-17

Rocky is doing fabulous. He nearly has the potty training mastered. He is such an energetic boy. He and our granddaughter are good buddies already. Rocky loves to play and wrestle, but likes to snuggle with me. As you can see in the photo he is not spoiled at all.  He had his first visit to the vet today and is a healthy 8.2lbs. Thank you for our sweet puppy!


Update, 7-4-18

We went through a lot of dog toys until we found his dura play ball. He can chew through almost any toy, but he has fun doing it.


Thanks for my crazy dog!  


-Dot and Kevin

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